Friday, April 16, 2010

Is G-d on Twitter? That and Other Musings on the Holy One

As we go into Shabbat, I had a very interesting experience. This morning, as I was moping around about my lack of job (and money), I decided to go on Facebook and ask for a job. I was sick of it – I was getting rejected job after job. I would like a place to settle down.

And, then, almost as if it were willed, I got a call for a job interview for a senior editor for a magazine. Not only is it local (yay not having to go to LA for a job interview!), but it is an amazing magazine. I’m so excited for my job interview next week, and hopefully I will post soon that I will be slightly less broke than usual, as I will get that job.

But then it got me to wondering: How does G-d know stuff like this? Does G-d read Facebook? I posted this on Facebook, and my friend Sarah laughingly responded, “I wonder if G-d is on Twitter?”

It does make me curious – where is G-d in our lives? We always question things like this on a regular basis. People who are suffering will often scream to the stars about it. There are so many interpretations of it. But it’s still worth the question.

There are many people who don’t like to believe there is G-d. I respect their opinions and understand that you don’t have to believe. But after everything I have studied in my life, ranging from science all the way to the arts, there is no doubt in my mind. I may have chosen not to pursue science (although I was actually pretty good at biology in high school), but I am constantly fascinated by it.

Think about the study of atoms alone – these little protons, neutrons and electrons come together to form the smallest parts of so many different elements. And on top of it, there are millions of them making up your cellular structure, which makes up your own body! Life after life after life! How can you say that a higher power doesn’t exist and this is some form of accident? This is why I subscribe to the teachings of Maimonides and believe that it’s important to learn about everything, since everything is from the Holy One, blessed be he/she.

G-d is everything, and everything is G-d. From the small ant that wandered across this desk at Barnes and Noble to the air running through the leaves outside our window. G-d is man, woman and child.

I won’t say that G-d is perfect, because I don’t think anything in this universe is. G-d is capable of showing the world the greatest good and yet the most horrible evils. However, I don’t think G-d is without a sense of humor, however twisted it may be (how else can you explain the President of Iran, who is evil incarnate while looking like a monkey and wearing a Member’s Only Jacket?).

As we go into Shabbat, I remember the first Jewlicious festival, where the beautiful and amazing Dena Hundert taught me how to “walk with G-d” – not unlike Noah did before the floods came. Throughout the history of the Jewish people, we have had the most unusual relationship with the Holy One – we have walked with, debated and cried out to G-d. We were led through the desert with G-d, and yet sometimes we have led the way for G-d to be invisible in our lives, not unlike the story of Queen Esther.

But I find the name of our people – the people of Israel – to signal the nature of our relationship. Israel means, “to wrestle with G-d,” or “to struggle with G-d.” I prefer “to struggle with.” Because we go through life. We fight, we talk, we cry, but we remain forever entwined with one another. And that is the way it was always meant to be.

I am going to link you up with one of my favorite blogs today – There, YBK is featured with two different recipes, which are perfect for Shabbat dinner and then perhaps a lunch. Enjoy and Shabbat Shalom!

1 comment:

  1. I just started reading your blog today. Your mother was in my shop (I think it was your mom) in Agoura Hills and gave me your address.

    I agree with everything you said, we, as Jews, are encouraged to ask questions, to want to know and to study. What better way to love and learn about Hashem.



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